Sunday, June 20, 2010

By way of introduction...

Among many other dreams, I have always wanted an old house to renovate. Like my desire to make a quilt (check), stand on the Four Corners (not yet), and go snorkeling in tropical waters (maybe someday), I have wanted to fix up an old house for as long as I can remember. I've also dreamed of my prince charming - as my friends can attest, I've hoped and prayed for a "tall Catholic who can cook in a microwave."

And yesterday - my dreams came true! Together with my wonderful fiance, Justin (who happens to be tall, Catholic, AND has the microwave skills I lack), I closed on a house in Ithaca, NY.

Our new house isn't really so new - it was built in 1880. There are many, many, MANY projects to come, but we're excited.

Because we'll be relatively far from friends and family - and because after completing even small projects I have the same feeling I had running home from the school bus after kindergarten with artwork to show my mom, I've decided to create a blog. I hope you enjoy watching our progress as much as we enjoy finding the former glory of our house!

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