Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The final frontier

When I last left you hanging, I showed you all of the furniture pushed to the center of the living room.  With all that has been going on (more on that in a moment), I completely forgot that I should update my faithful blog followers about the progress!  A dear friend asked about the project this weekend, and then I had to chuckle when Facebook sent me an automated email today with tips on encouraging people to join my "Finding Former Glory" page.  The first tip was to post something.  Point taken, Facebook.

At any rate, the furniture was moved because we (more accurately, Justin) were putting the finishing touches on the tile ceiling project.  We started the project with our close friends - who apparently find it relaxing to spend their summer trip to Ithaca doing manual labor (remember when they took our kitchen apart & put it back together with us last summer?).  Justin finished the tiling and quarter rounds a few weeks ago (ironically, I think, the day I wrote the last post).

So we've been enjoying our finished ceiling since then.  It's significantly more charming than the paint chips we had going on before (see below).  And you know that the pregnant lady has been loving the ceiling fan!

Before - this fuzzy picture doesn't do justice to how large & obvious the paint chips were!

Before - the old light (not terrible, but it didn't cool me down!)

With the completion of this project (the true final renovation frontier), we can officially say that we've redone every floor, wall, and ceiling in our home - all 7 rooms worth (8, if you count the stairwell).  Although we have plenty of little projects to keep us busy, we are very happy with our two years of accomplishments!

Aside from enjoying the ceiling fan, you may be wondering what I've been up to recently.  I have been completing many house projects (many of which I hope to show you soon, now that I discovered that my camera was in the case where it belongs for the entire last month I thought it was missing).  I also, after 9 days of my stay-at-home gig, went back to work.  Unfortunately, the replacement I had trained was unable to stay, and they asked me to come back until a second replacement could be hired & trained.  Thankfully I'm only back part-time, and the second new person started today for training, so I will only have a few days left.  Today I worked an entire day, though, and man - I don't remember how I ever got anything done at home!  Granted, I wasn't always an unwieldy 8-months pregnant, but I'm still amazed that I kept our household (mostly) running with normal tasks and renovations and my full-time job.  I'm already very spoiled (and incredibly thankful) that I can focus on our family & household full-time when Anna arrives.

Speaking of Anna, the other biggest (literally) things I've been doing recently is growing.  According to our most recent appointment, she's now over 7 pounds, and on track to be well over 9 pounds when she is born!  I take comfort in knowing that my tiny mom successfully delivered 3 big babies (one over 10 pounds) without complications!

Here's the most recent belly shot, taken with her "cousin Spalding."  I couldn't resist a photo opportunity when my brother lovingly/mockingly stuck his basketball under his t-shirt this weekend!  The size comparison is accurate!  Now...if only Anna's delivery will be as easy as Spalding's!

