Monday, November 19, 2012

Morning ramblings

Well, hello, world!  Given that my last post was the announcement of the arrival of sweet baby Anna, most readers (if there are any left) are most likely assuming that I have fallen into the black pit of new motherhood.  I am thrilled to announce that it is far from the truth.  Certainly, I have been spending an extensive amount of time feeding, holding, and changing my little girl, I've also managed to (mostly) resist the tornado-came-through-the-house look, sew a few gifts, welcome dinner & overnight guests, and host our annual Halloween party (in homemade costumes for the three of us).

Here's my magician and his rabbit-in-a-hat.  I was a playing card, but don't have any pictures, since I kept it on for about 5 minutes.   (This may or may not be related to the practicality of maneuvering through a small house filled with 20 people while wearing 2 pieces of poster board)

  I should clarify to say that I am far from super-woman, but have been blessed with an extremely easy baby who is already able to sleep 8 or 9 hours at a stretch, and, after the first few weeks of loud protest at being anywhere but in my arms, is now content to be in her bouncy chair/swing/blanket on the floor while I use the bathroom or other I-didn't-realize-the-five-minutes-for-this-was-a-luxury tasks.  So, I'm genuinely extremely thankful for my baby and my husband, yet admittedly struggling a little bit with pride over how well things are going.  Case in point, when we forgot about a church meeting we were supposed to attend, I had to bite my tongue from a defensive reply when one of the committee members said "isn't parenthood fun!?" (We were actually quite well rested, and attending a dinner at a friend's house with a happy baby in tow, having brought brownies made from scratch).  Whoops.  And now, instead of bragging just to that one woman, I'm bragging to the whole internet.  Double whoops.

I maintain that 99% of my success is an easy baby, and 1% is my motivation and ability to operate on very little sleep.  And 100% of both of those are God-given, so really none of it is about me!  Needless to say, I'm really into the whole thankfulness theme right now!

This should be no surprise, since my blogging pre-baby was also extremely sporadic, but I don't know what my plans are for here.  Some days I think I'll do a full revival, and other days I'm pretty content with just leaving it until random inspiration strikes.  Justin and I aren't really fans of having tons of Anna's pictures posted online, so it won't be going the "family blog" direction (although that's certainly not a judgement on those who do that, just not what will work for us!), and yet I feel guilty spending time writing about some little house project when there's something far more important in my life!  So, stay tuned for whatever it is that will come :)

Here's one close-up of Anna, since it would be a tease to not include anything besides her Halloween get-up.

Happy Thanksgiving!

P.S. Since I don't write much these days, tide yourselves over with my favorite blogger in one of her favorite pieces.  Perhaps the reason I'm such a fan is that it's called "Moms of Young Children, The Time to Thrive is Now."

P.P.S. I wanted to note that my baby apparently thinks she's a teenager.  She regularly won't go to bed until well past 11 pm, and I've had to wake her up on more than one occasion for a noon engagement.  :)  Needless to say she's still asleep this morning!


  1. Thanks for the update! Keep them coming! Anna is precious and we'll soak up anything you post about her!

  2. So glad you have a happy and easy baby! First babies should be nothing put pure delight. She's beautiful.


