Monday, February 28, 2011

Movin' on up!

The day you thought would never come is here.  We are upstairs residents of our house!  I believed that this day would come, but many others (including my husband, at times) were skeptical that it would come - at the very least, skeptical that it would be in 2011!

So, granted, we blew through my initial deadlines of wedding...Christmas...Valentine's Day...BUT we got in just under the wire to meet my "end of February" final deadline.

Check out how happy this makes us:

Yes, folks, we're laying on the upstairs floor.  Remember, the one that looked like this less than 24 hours ago:

And looked like this when we moved in:

The incredible improvements we've seen over the last six months were cause for snow angels (carpet angels??) today:

Soooooooo excited.

We're also pretty excited to corral our clothing collection from our overloaded (and less-than-sturdy) garment rack to our bonafide master bedroom closet!

Justin re-hung the doors to the closet (and we subsequently hauled our belongings upstairs) shortly after I snapped this picture.  We also wrestled our mattress up the narrow stairway, and are excited about spending our first night in our master bedroom!

Goodbye, dusty, dirty upstairs.  Goodbye, late-night crashes from the falling-over garment rack.  Goodbye, bed in the den.  Goodbye, desk in the kitchen.  Goodbye, old house.

Hello, former glory.  Hello, dream upstairs!

1 comment:

  1. yay! looks great! just watch the static with those carpet angels...


